Radio 105 app for iPhone and iPad
LApp ufficiale di Radio 105 per ascoltare ovunque tu sia i programmi in diretta e on demand.
Ma non solo! Musica, web radio tematiche per tutti i gusti e playlist da ascoltare gratis.
Oltre ad ascoltare la diretta radio in streaming nella App di Radio 105 troverai:
- la SVEGLIA, per svegliarti insieme alla musica e allintrattenimento di Radio 105
- le NEWS: le news virali di attualità, le Music Biz sul mondo della Musica e tutti gli Hightlights sulle novità di Radio 105.
- i BRANI e i PROGRAMMI PREFERITI, che potrai selezionare per sapere sempre quando saranno trasmessi e ricevere una notifica
E se non hai tempo puoi cliccare sullicona col cuore e crearti una lista di preferiti da leggere, ascoltare e guardare quando vuoi!
Inoltre potrai trovare:
- repliche, per riascoltare il tuo programma preferito
- podcast, per riascoltare i momenti migliori e per seguire le rubriche (CSI Milano, Talk about Sex) e tutte le scenette de Lo Zoo di 105
- playlist, per pre-ascoltare la musica più forte del momento
- social, per condividere i brani in onda via Whatsapp, Facebook e Twitter
Pros and cons of Radio 105 app for iPhone and iPad
Radio 105 app good for
I was surfing the Apps music store to find a dance radio station and this one hits the dance floor. There appears to be rock too but Im happy with it so far. Download it!
This is the greatest Italian radio station, the app is simple, but works fine.
The app is really simple but you can listen at your fav radio station all over the world. That is great! We love 105
This app is great! I hear perfectly.
This is the best Italian radio station.
First at all..... its an Italian radio station ( for the stupid morons that dont have brain!!!!!)
Second... it would be recommended to be in an area out of the desert!!! ... maybe than u will have a better connection!!!!
...this app is fine!!! dont listen to this brainless people!!
Other free radio apps only give one station and this gives more! Its great for those learning Italian.
Some bad moments
Maybe will work better for others but on my end , streams cuts in and out too much .
The stream is interrupted every other second making it impossible to listen to it. It also doesnt tell you what song is playing. There are other better apps out there.
A very simple program, no extra options, just one single radio station with popular music from around the world. Some Spanish, some Italian. No skipping or pausing. Its just like tuning into a regular radio station. This station plays plenty of commercials.
Its like a broken record, skipping and skipping. I never heard a complete word, let alone a complete SONG. Yikes. Not very impressive at all.
Ive never hear radio through this. Im luckey it was free. just delete it.
The 105 radio app keeps on crashing by itself after a few minutes of playing. Also it will stop playing when u are multitasking.
iPhone 4S current iOS
Usually Radio 105 iOS app used & searched for
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and other. So, download free Radio 105 .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.